Manuscript Requirements
Submit your book manuscript by ensuring it is fully complete, properly formatted, and adheres to our detailed submission guidelines, including the required word count and file format specifications.
Accompanying Materials
“Submit your book manuscript along with a brief synopsis, author bio, and any additional details about your target audience or genre to help us better understand your work and its potential.
Submission Process
Submit your manuscript via our online portal or email, and allow us time to review. We will provide feedback and next steps after evaluation. Submit Your Book Manuscript Today.

Manuscript Format
Ensure your manuscript is submitted in an acceptable format, such as Word or PDF, with proper font size, spacing, and margins for readability.
Original Work
All submissions must be original, authored by the submitter, and free of plagiarism or copyright infringement.
Genre Specifications
Clearly mention the genre of your work (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, poetry, academic) to help us align your manuscript with the appropriate editorial team.
Submission Guidelines
Follow our detailed submission guidelines, including page limits, synopsis requirements, and any additional requested materials.
Cover Letter
Include a professional cover letter introducing yourself, providing a brief overview of your manuscript, and explaining your vision for the book.
Synopsis and Sample Chapters
Submit a concise synopsis of your book along with a few sample chapters (typically the first three) to give us a clear understanding of your work.
Author Bio
Provide a brief biography highlighting your background, writing experience, and any relevant credentials or publications.
Response Time
Allow adequate time for our team to review your submission. Response times may vary depending on the volume of manuscripts received.
Revised Submissions
If you’re resubmitting a previously rejected manuscript, ensure substantial revisions have been made and highlight those changes in your cover letter.
Submit Your Book Today